For deployment of 5 servers you might spend about 5 x 20mins =100mins. But imagine for 600 servers that is 200 hours.
So here is a wrapper script that will login to every server create a designated ORACLE_HOME two levels below the ORACLE_HOME of the database and then install the OEM agent on the server. It creates a sumfile(Summary file)
It also does some cool things like strip out the OEM 10g agent details from the inventory so that pre-requisites dont fail.
Im sure there are plenty of tweaks and improvements that can be done. Love to hear your thoughts.
Couple of things before we start
1. Create the named credentials for each of your password
./emcli create_named_credential
use Crypt::Blowfish;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Password File - Blowfish encyrpted
open (PASSWDFILE, " > pass.dat") or die "Could not open pass.dat because $!";
my $key = pack("H16","0123456789ABCDEF"); # put your key here
my $crypt = new Crypt::Blowfish $key;
my $ciphertext = $crypt->encrypt('B0password'); # Your password here. Multiple lines of your passwords
print PASSWDFILE $decrypt->decrypt($ciphertext);
4. Run this from the OMS App server
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::OpenSSH;
use Crypt::Blowfish;
my $key = pack("H16","0123456789ABCDEF"); # Put your password file key here
my $cipher = new Crypt::Blowfish $key;
my $username = "oracle";
my $cmd = "uname -a";
my $count = 0;
my $flag=0; #Variable to check if last password was ok.
# Host file
open (HOSTFILE, "hosts.lstpreprod.full") or die "Could not open host.dat because $!";
# Password File - Blowfish encyrpted
open (PASSWDFILE, "pass.dat") or die "Could not open pass.dat because $!";
# Open the log file
open (LOGFILE, "> logfile.dat") or die "Could not open logfile.dat because $!";
# Open the summary file
open (SUMFILE, "> sumfile.dat") or die "Could not open logfile.dat because $!";
# Open the Server_pass file - Use this if you want to generate a host,passwd file for future references instead of trying new passwords
# open (SERVPASS, "> serv_pass.dat") or die "Could not open logfile.dat because $!";
# Loop the Hosts File
while (my $row =
#Bring the flag to reset
# counter
$count = $count + 1;
chomp($row); #remove garbage characters at trailing or leading end.
seek(PASSWDFILE,0,0); #move marker to first line of Password file
print LOGFILE "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print LOGFILE "Server - $row\n";
print SUMFILE "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print SUMFILE "$count. Server - $row\n";
#Loop through the password file
while (my $epassword =
# Get the decrypted password
my $password = $cipher->decrypt($epassword);
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($row, user=>"oracle", passwd=>$password,strict_mode=>1, timeout => 10,kill_ssh_on_timeout => 1);
if (($ssh->error =~ m/password/) || ($ssh->error =~ m/timeout/))
print LOGFILE $ssh->error."\n";
#If you are here it means that the password worked. Set the flag so that you skip to next host.
#generate server password file- if you want to
#print SERVPASS $row . "," . $password;
#Get the Oracle home
my $cmd = "export DB_NAME=`ps -ef|grep pmon| grep -v grep| awk '{print \$8}'|cut -c10-\$NF|grep -v AS | sed 's/[1-3]\$//'` && grep -i \"^\$DB_NAME\" /etc/oratab | grep -v \"^#\" | grep -v \"^\*\"| grep \":\" | awk -F\":\" '{print \$2}'|uniq";
print LOGFILE $cmd;
# Get Oracle Home
my $ohome = $ssh->capture($cmd);
print LOGFILE "Oracle home is ".$ohome;
if ($ohome ne "") # No Oracle_HOME, then get out!
$ssh->system('cd '.$ohome)
or print LOGFILE "Error getting to oracle home directory" and last;
#inventory - Rip of the existing Agent home from inventory, this to overcome pre-requisites.
my $inventory = $ssh-> capture("cat /etc/oraInst.loc | grep -i inventory_loc | awk -F= '{print \$2}'");
print LOGFILE "Inventory found to be " . $inventory . "\n";
#Strip out agent home information
my $inventory_file = $inventory . "/ContentsXML/inventory.xml";
my $inventory_bfile = $inventory . "/ContentsXML/inventory.xml_bak";
my $inventory_afile = $inventory . "/ContentsXML/inventory.agent";
print LOGFILE "Inventory file ". $inventory_file;
print LOGFILE "\nInventory backupfile". $inventory_bfile;
print LOGFILE "\nInventory agent file". $inventory_afile . "\n";
# Create backup of inventory file
$ssh->system('cp '.$inventory_file. ' '.$inventory_bfile)
or print LOGFILE "Error backing up inventory file\n" and last;
#Strip the inventory agent details
my $cmd="awk \'BEGIN {IGNORECASE = 1; discard = 0;} \/\
or print LOGFILE "Error stripping agent inventory\n";
print LOGFILE "Command to strip the inventory ". $cmd . "\n";
#Send stripped data to another file
$cmd="awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE = 1; discard = 0;} \/\
or print LOGFILE "Error stripping agent inventory to another file\n";
print LOGFILE "Command to send the agent inventory to another file". $cmd . "\n";
# Create directory for OEM 12c agent home
$cmd="mkdir -p ". $ohome . "/../../agent12c";
# print LOGFILE "Command is ". $cmd. "\n";
or print LOGFILE "Error creating agent home directory" and last;
#switch to new directory
$cmd="cd ". $ohome . "/../../agent12c";
#print LOGFILE "Command is ". $cmd."\n";
or print LOGFILE "Error getting to agent home directory" and last;
my $ahome = $ssh->capture($cmd ."&& pwd"); # Get the Agent Oracle Home
print LOGFILE "Agent home is ". $ahome."\n";
# Login to OEM 12c
print LOGFILE "Starting the OEM 12c part\n";
my $emcliop = `/app/oracle/Middleware12cr3/oms/bin/emcli login -username=MasterDBA -password=maximumSecurity 2>&1`;
print LOGFILE "Login result - ".$emcliop."\n";
if ($emcliop =~ m/successful/ )
# Sync with repository
$emcliop = `/app/oracle/Middleware12cr3/oms/bin/emcli sync`;
print LOGFILE "Sync result - ".$emcliop."\n";
if ($emcliop =~ m/successful/ )
# Sumbit the push job
my $passfrag = substr $password, 0, 2;
print LOGFILE "Shredded Password - ". $passfrag."\n";
#Sumbit the job
my $emclicmd = "/app/oracle/Middleware12cr3/oms/bin/emcli submit_add_host -host_names=".$row." -platform=226 -port=3872 -installation_base_dir=".$ahome." -credential_name=DBA_".$passfrag." -session_name=\"Agent-".$row."\" -wait_for_completion";
print LOGFILE "Agent install command run is " .$emclicmd."\n";
$emcliop = `$emclicmd`;
print LOGFILE $emcliop;
#get the job status
$emclicmd = "/app/oracle/Middleware12cr3/oms/bin/emcli get_add_host_status -session_name=\"Agent-".$row."\" -format=\"name:csv\" | awk -F, '{if(NR>3)print \$3,\$4,\$5,\$6}'";
print LOGFILE "Status Command run is " .$emclicmd."\n";
$emcliop = `$emclicmd`;
print LOGFILE $emcliop;
if ($emcliop =~ /Succeeded Succeeded Succeeded/)
print LOGFILE "All done! SUCCESS\n";
print SUMFILE "All done! SUCCESS\n";
print LOGFILE "Error in installing the agent- DBA to intervene\n";
print SUMFILE "Error in installing the agent - DBA to intervene\n";
#restore the backup inventory file
$ssh->system('mv '. $inventory_file .' '. $inventory_file .'.script')
or print LOGFILE "Error moving existing inventory file for restore";
$ssh->system('cp '.$inventory_bfile. ' '.$inventory_file)
or print LOGFILE "Error restoring the inventory from backup file" and last;
#logout irrespective of success or failure
$emclicmd = "/app/oracle/Middleware12cr3/oms/bin/emcli logout";
$emcliop = `$emclicmd`;
print LOGFILE "Logout result - ".$emcliop."\n";
Good one